Monday, November 13, 2006

Running no where?

What a weekend, what a week, what a couple of months. I feel like i am running this huge race and I am in such a hurry to do it, but i am not getting anywhere! Do you ever feel like that?
Like going to school, I want to be there so bad and I want to learn as much as I can but I feel as thought i havnt moved, like I havnt even picked the texted book up yet. And then there is the gym. I feel like i live in there, and I love every moveing minute of it, but seriously I feel like i robot on a treadmill sometimes. And I dont look or feel fitter, I dont want to be all tough and strong or anything but i want to be fit. And i want to max out this little amazing muscle of a heart I have. Haha then there is church.. Last night i was driving home with my aunt whom i dragged along with me to a young adults service 45 minutes away from out home cause i was so desperate to go get some good music. We went in the morning as well and it was so hurtin, the music was an old guy singing hymns like we were at a funeral and then the pastor just freaked me right out. He told a story of his last camping trip that took about an hour and then didnt even tie it in with the point in which he was trying to make which we all walked out not knowing either. But anyway on our drive home, I decided that it was impossible to make friends in church, cuause it always seems like everyone is so established in there realationships and in reality they are living so far away AND... there are like 2000 people, how do u work with that.? So i looked at Michele and said I think since moving here the meaning of church to me has totally changed. Before church was a time for fellowship worship and relationships. Now its just about comeing before God alone, hungry, and desperate for him. And being ok with walking out afterward and not have talked to anyone. Which again I feel like i am running a winningless race.. haha sorry for the very bad grammer spelling, and words that dont exist. So i was just talking to Henny and expressing this inner struggle, hahah and she saids to me...

"yeah but Jess, God doesnt just give us a day or a month or even a year, he gives us a lifetime to get er done."


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Carin said...

soo much truth in what Henny said! I love it!
And I know exactly how you feel about the meaning of church changing... its taught me a lot to be away - about being totally abandoned to God in worship... but it is also teaching me to take moments daily with him... so that I am not so starved when Sunday comes around...

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Riteesha Mathew said...

thanks for the birthday wish jess!! miss u tons.. and of course i forgive you,.. haha its technically my fault, coz i usually send u reminder when its near my bday, buit i didnt this time:P!


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